Working at confinis and the IVDR world with Barbara Jeroncic

IVD News – IVDR Date of Application, new Guidance Documents

IVD News – Progressive Roll-Out and MDCG 2022-2 on Clinical Evidence

What is an IVD?

confinis partners with Irdeto to launch the first cybersecurity assessment tool in the medical devices industry

confinis offers Swiss Representative Service

Exporting Swiss Medical Devices to the EU

Bei Medizinprodukten auf die EU warten hilft der Schweiz wenig

Revision der Schweizer Medizinprodukteverordnung mit Folgen

Interpellation Jacqueline de Quattro on medical devices

Politics intervene regarding medical devices

“Quick Wins” for your MDR implementation

Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulation (IVDR): Impact on Switzerland