Regulatory Challenges for AI-Enabled Medical Devices

Regulatory Compliance for AI-Enabled Medical Devices

Medical Devices Cybersecurity Checklist

Medical Devices Threat Modeling

The Medical Device Regulation and the medical care for children and rare diseases

UK Responsible Person Services

confinis launches new UK Responsible Person service in UK

ISO/FDIS 11608 series opened for voting

confinis partners with Irdeto to launch the first cybersecurity assessment tool in the medical devices industry

confinis offers Swiss Representative Service

Exporting Swiss Medical Devices to the EU

Join our Startup Workshop 2021!

How does the notified body assess your clinical evaluation?

How to perform a clinical evaluation for Medical Device Software

How to ensure sufficient clinical evidence for legacy devices

How to claim an equivalence in the clinical evaluation under the MDR

Bei Medizinprodukten auf die EU warten hilft der Schweiz wenig

confinis partners with b-rayZ concerning innovative Artificial Intelligence project

Revision der Schweizer Medizinprodukteverordnung mit Folgen

Workshop: Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) in Zürich

Interpellation Jacqueline de Quattro on medical devices

confinis celebrates 15th anniversary

Web based tool to analyze effect of significant changes to devices covered by MDD or AIMDD certificates

Politics intervene regarding medical devices

Development of medical devices to tackle COVID-19 – UPDATE

Swiss Medtech Umfrage: Export in die EU mit Drittstaatanforderungen sichern

Peter Studer joins confinis as Senior Advisor